Escort abroad: an overview of attractive and dangerous countries for escorts
If a girl decides to make money in the escort field, then she has two ways: work in the capital or travel on tours. The second option is much more complicated, since it involves additional costs for purchasing air tickets, difficulties in obtaining a visa, etc. And girls don't want to be in a foreign country without money and up to their necks in trouble, but the opportunity to get rich tempts escorts for long trips. In the article we will consider which states are favorable for working in the field of leisure and where she should not even go.
The most attractive countries for escorts
This country is civilized and cultured, which means that the contingent in it is adequate. Men are distinguished by good manners, cleanliness and punctuality. It is not a problem to find wealthy clients there. Customers have "non-standard" requests and desires Escort 20 years, for the implementation of which they are willing to pay more.
To work, it is better to settle in the center of the capital, there is less crime and Muslim immigrants, of which there are a large number in the country. Kensington, Chelsea, Westminster are the best areas of the city. The easiest way to work is through special sites. It is convenient and safe.
The country is rich, the standard of living there is high, which means that it will not be difficult to earn extra money. It is better to choose a city from the list: Copenhagen, Aalborg, Aarhus, Odense. The only drawback is the immigrants, of which there are a large number in Europe. For work, it is better to choose the autumn and winter months (from September to January). On the eve of the holidays, even stingy Danes spend money left and right.
To be in demand among Scandinavians, you need to work on your portfolio. Northern men do not like bright and retouched photos, they like selfies and photos that reflect the natural beauty of a girl. Also, do not indicate nationality if he is Russian or Ukrainian. Danes don't like everything related to Russia. For work, it is better to try to place a questionnaire on local advertising sites and forums.

Italians are well-groomed and clean, they adore women and enjoy communication. However, the choice of men should be treated with scrupulosity, since inadequate "copies" are found everywhere. It is profitable to work in almost all cities, the price is good. Venice, Pisa, Milan, Bologna, Naples, Rome, Turin and many others. There is an opinion that southern clients are poorer, this must be taken into account. Renting an apartment will not be a problem, and a large number of local advertising sites will help you quickly find clients.
The richest country with a large number of rich men. However, accommodation in Norway will also cost a pretty penny, this should be taken into account when planning a trip. In Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Stavanger you can work for months, but finding a job will not be easy. However, you need to show insight and perseverance, as working in Norway can bring in a lot of money.
Proven choice for the job. Russian,Latine, Europe girls are known and loved there and therefore there will be no end to the clients. The main advice is that you should not work in Turkey for a manager or an agency, this will definitely lead to conflict. The girls want to work less and earn more, and the scouts try to overwhelm the escorts with work and pay almost nothing. It is useless to negotiate with the Turks and therefore it is better to place an Escort model in swimsuitquestionnaire on an advertising site and look for clients on your own. The price can be set even very high, there will always be a buyer. Knowledge of English will be very useful, since clients will be not only locals, but also foreigners who have come to rest.
Everyone knows that this is the land of love. French people love to talk to girls for hours about fashion, beauty, high... You can earn good money there, but the competition in the market is high. You should also be wary of thieves who specifically specialize in girls in the entertainment sector. Usually these are Armenians, Chechens, Romanians. They act according to the scheme: one pretends to be a decent client, while others come to a meeting after a while, forcing the girl to pay and threatening to beat him. However, it is worth working in France, since the price here is quite high.
Despite the fact that the market here is simply overflowing with offers, the United Arab Emirates is a good option to make money. Of course, you must take into account the mentality of the country and follow strict rules, otherwise you may be deported or go to jail. A woman in the countryside cannot rent an apartment on her own, so she will have to live in a hotel. To attract more clients, it is better to create your own site with luxurious photos, Arabs love it. She will have to invest decently in advertising, since girls from the CIS and Europe are a dime there.
Where escorts should not go
This country is bankrupt. The population there is poor, everyone is in debt, the escort sphere has long been twisted. You should not believe ads from explorers with promises of fancy conditions and high profits, most often they are scammers. All a girl in Greece can expect is the work of a cheap whore in hellish conditions. The state has a large number of refugees from Albania and therefore crime flourishes there. Instead of making money, an escort may have problems.
A dangerous country where brothels and prostitution abound. By accepting the tour, you can easily fall into sexual slavery. Debauchery, drunkenness and promiscuity reign on the island. There is nothing for a decent escort to do there. Adding to the problems, nothing can be found in Cyprus.
It is ideal for recreation, but you should not even go to escort work europe. The price is extremely low, the crime rate is simply increasing and the police simply do not care to visit the citizens. Drugs are another major problem in the country, so don't be fooled by headhunter ads promising mountains of gold and a nice vacation on the Caribbean coast.
South Korea
The problem here is more with men. Koreans have no manners at all, have no scruples and behave very rudely towards women in general. Customers are likely to be in the 50+ category. The earnings are decent, but the agencies take a fairly high percentage, plus the living conditions can be simply terrible. In addition, it is very difficult for many to get used to local food, which makes life noticeably more complicated.