I want to be an escort
A site where you will find the correct answers for young model girls who say they want to be and be an escort . Being an escort has now become a job that makes sense in the mind of a young woman. You must have noticed that the best places where you enter a luxury environment or clubs are attractive and well-groomed escorts!

Being an escort and basic requirements for them
You've probably heard that girls who work as escort models earn a lot and also have a lot of prospects. But what are these expectations? Let's consider them in more detail. Good:
It's a pretty high salary since you can buy almost anything you want.
The opportunity to be completely financially independent and live the way you want.
The path to secular society and many closed parties will be opened for you.
Very profitable acquaintances with the right people who can help you when you need it in the future.
Friendly crew, new friends (without the unhealthy rivalry depicted in many movies or books).
Meetings and acquaintances with interesting people.
The opportunity to spend your free time is not so unusual and boring.
But not everything is as simple as you think. There are also several requirements for applicants for the escort model position. Good:
Beauty. One of our basic requirements. Also, it is always easier for attractive and beautiful girls to achieve something in this field. Of course, we will have our work cut out for them.
Well preserved. Since escort services are mainly used by men from high society, you definitely need to be on the same level, take care of yourself and always be on top.
Fascination. In addition to a beautiful figure and face, he must also have taste that distinguishes him from other representatives of this profession.
sociability. Accompanying someone is not just about having a beautiful painting by your side. Must be able to keep the conversation going, communicate and entertain the customer.
Intelligence. Having the ability to joke and have a good sense of humor is also very important. Any client will definitely appreciate it.
Puntuality. They pay a lot of money to escort clients, and you shouldn't be kept waiting.
Therefore, if you meet all these requirements and at the same time have an irresistible desire for self-realization and self-sufficiency in this field, you should definitely try yourself in the field of dating services. You will not regret. This will allow you to plunge into the world of luxury and beautiful life, it will be possible to make new connections and acquaintances.