What questions to ask before applying to an escort agency
Girls often receive offers through social networks for a highly paid job as an escort. And if you yourself are looking for an opportunity to receive a good stable income, then you have probably come across advertisements for escort agencies more than once that promise a luxurious life and a quiet job escort 19 year old with high daily payments. But you should be careful when choosing an escort agency if you dream of becoming a model.
Pimps often hide behind promising promises of work, escorting rich men and recruiting girls for prostitution. They can pay her a fee, rent an apartment, but as a result, she will be left alone in an unknown city with no means of subsistence. Then you must agree to any conditions and work practically for free to repay the so-called agency for all the money invested in you.
But this does not mean that it is impossible to become a successful escort. She should not rush to conclude a contract with the first agency that inspires her confidence, but first talk to the manager to clarify all important points.
What are the duties of an escort model
First, clarify the details of the escort job to immediately know what awaits you in case of a positive decision. Feel free to be persistent. Ask meticulously about upcoming assignments so you don't miss anything. Find out about the schedule, frequency of orders, regular customers. Specify what is included in the organization of leisure, how you have to entertain a man.
Usually, pimps begin to get confused in their answers, they try to speak in a veiled way so as not to scare a potential victim. If the consultant answers openly, speaks directly, does not make unrealistic promises, explains in detail what the duties of the escorts cooperating with the agency are, you can continue communication and ask the following questions.

How much will you earn at the beginning and what are the growth prospects?
Don't believe in fiery promises of high profits from day one. This is how pimps lure girls into their networks. If you really start working as an escort , you must first complete an internship, learn all the nuances, master related professions in order to receive more orders. Also, if the agency pays for travel tickets for girls from other regions or helps with the preparation of travel documents for working abroad, then all costs must be calculated.
Ask the agent what the minimum rate is for an hour of customer service, how much interest the company charges for each order. This way you will have a rough idea of how much you will earn in the initial stage. Other perspectives will depend on luck and your skills. But every month the income of the escorts is increasing. So, don't worry that you won't be able to achieve financial independence.
If the agent promises tens of thousands of dollars from the beginning, the opportunity to save for an apartment in the first month, do not believe such promises, look for more real offers.
What are the working hours in an escort agency ?
This topic is especially important for those who plan to combine escort classes with university studies. In many escort agencies, the models themselves choose a convenient schedule and orders. If you need a part-time job, you can serve two or three clients a week so that you have enough money for accommodation and tuition fees at the beginning of settling in a foreign city. When your plans are to earn more, you will receive all available orders.
If the agency has a strict visitation policy, which penalizes girls who want to take a vacation or take a short break, think for yourself whether you need such cooperation. Otherwise, there will be rapid burnout and after a few months of continuous customer service, you will feel such a collapse that you won't even want a big profit.